Navarro talks about the prep work he does for TV hits like a recent one on Newsmax with the inestimable Greg Kelly and thereby illustrates how the presidential election may have been purloined in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.
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Peter is pleased to announce his new Substack and promises you the best SHORT but POWERFUL podcast and written articles you can listen to or hear on the economy and financial markets, Communist China’s war against America, and all things related to the Trump 2024 campaign. Please subscribe to Peter’s Substack today and, if you More…
Episode 6: A Politician-Manufactured and Made in China Inflationary Disaster
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Episode 28: Boycott the Beijing Genocide Olympics
Posted on Author admin
Navarro lays out the case for a full boycott of the Beijing genocide Olympics and calls for all medalists to raise their fists in protest of the Butchers of Beijing.