Why Joe Biden is the architect of our stagflationary descent into economic hell and why there ain’t no cavalry coming to save us.
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Episode 2: America‘s Third Day of Infamy & The Supremacy of Executive Privilege
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On December 7, 2021, Peter Navarro guest-hosted Steve Bannon’s War Room. These are two choice extended excerpts from the show. The first deals with Communist China’s attack on the United States with a deadly pandemic. The second discusses the importance of executive privilege.
Episode 28: Boycott the Beijing Genocide Olympics
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Navarro lays out the case for a full boycott of the Beijing genocide Olympics and calls for all medalists to raise their fists in protest of the Butchers of Beijing.
Episode 15: Boycott Beijing Olympics to Protect U.S. Athletes
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Navarro and his In Trump Time sidekick Doc Hatfill fill in some big virus blanks on Bannon’s War Room. Find out what REALLY is going on with the China/Fauci virus.